jeudi 11 décembre 2008

24 projets de services énergétiques durables en Afrique sub-saharienne financés par le Commission européenne

Ce document en anglais présente 24 projets de services énergétiques financés par le programme européen Énergie intelligente/COOPENER.

« Energy services for poverty – alleviation in developing countries »

Le programme Énergie intelligente/COOPENER

43 pages

février 2007

(document en anglais)

Les 24 projets présentés dans ce document sont les suivants :

- Alleviation of Poverty through the Provision of Local Energy Services (APPLES)

- Biomass Energy Platforms Implementation for Training in Africa (BEPITA)

- Improved carbonisation and decentralised forestry control in Madagascar (CARAMCODEC)

- Development and Energy in Africa (DEA)

- Energy Efficiency Training of Trainers (EETT)

- Energising the Millennium Development Goals – Setting the Enabling Environment in Southern Africa (E-NDSET)

- Building Capacity in Energy in the Health, Education and Water Sectors for Poverty Reduction in sub-Saharan Africa (ENABLE)

- Removal of non-technological barriers to encourage SME energy efficiency by the rational use of biomass (ENEFIBIO)

- Energy for Poverty Alleviation in Sahel (IE4Sahel)

- Improving the economic and social impact of rural electrification (IMPROVES-RE)

- Integrated Southern Africa Business Advisory (INSABA)

- Mainstreaming Energy for Poverty Reduction and Economic Development (MEPRED)

- Promotion of Microgrids and RES (Renewable Energy Sources) For Electrification in Developing Countries (MICROGRIDS)

- Mitigating Risk and Strengthening Capacity for Rural Electricity Investment in Africa (MIRREIA)

- Poverty Alleviation through Cleaner Energy from Agro-industries in Africa (PACEAA)

- Poverty Eradication and Planning of Sustainable Energy (PEPSE)

- Promoting Renewable Energy in Africa (PREA)

- Proven in rural Africa (PROVEN)

- Renewable and Efficient Energy for Poverty Alleviation in Southern Africa (REEPASA)

- Réseau International d’Accès aux Energies Durables (RIAED)

- SIE-Afrique Phase II

- Sustainable urban renewal : energy efficient building for Africa (SURE-AFRICA)

- Turning Information into Empowerment : Strengthening Gender and Energy networking in Africa (TIE-ENERGIA)

- Tanzanian Renewable Energy and energy Efficiency project to Sustain Poverty Alleviation (TreeSpa)

Jacques Monvois, Gret, Xavier Dufail


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